On behalf of myself and all members of ZIMTA Secretariat, I would like to thank all our bona-fide members who are the backbone of this Union; without whom the many programs we rolled out this year would have been impossible.
We are finally rounding off what has been an unfriendly year economically and in labour relations. Economically unfriendly, because educators did not get substantive or transformative remuneration, an issue that led to labour strife and labour disharmony. Teachers declared incapacitation, sufficiently demonstrating to the employer that the remuneration was inadequate. The employer retaliated by garnishing large pool of our members, charging and suspending some. ZIMTA put up a good fight in defence of the members and demonstrated focus and commitment to care for the affected members. This extraordinary example of commitment, professionalism in solidarity in the wake of adversity was amazing, thank you all. “Together as one”, we have unquestionable strength both in character and action.
Branch Elections:
Despite these challenges, we collaborated very well to launch the ongoing leadership training program, beginning with school representatives and ZIMTA Branch elections, that covered six hundred and fifty-four (654) branches out of six hundred and fifty-seven (657), and now look forward to co-ordinate further training sessions in 2023.
While we look forward to a well-earned rest, this festive season, celebrating and relaxing with friends and family, we can focus on the year ahead so as to continue championing growth and change. We should continue to unlock ZIMTA’s financial muscle through its investments and business units, the ZIMTA Provident Fund and Micro-Finance Institution and many more to be unleashed. This way we can hedge our future and guarantee ZIMTA’s existence for posterity.
Once again on behalf of myself, the entire Secretariat and the National Executive, wish you and your families safe and enjoyable holiday, a very Merry Christmas and prosperous new year.
Dr Sifiso Ndlovu